Agilent/安捷伦81634A, 81663A激光源模块+135-9482-1413徐
Key performance specifications
High optical output power: +13 dBm
Wxunshouelength Stability: +/- 0.002nm
Fine-tuning range: +/- 850pm
Power stability: 0.003dB
Built-in digital modulation enables applications like time-domain extinction testing of EDFA noise figure.
Built-in coherence control
Built-in isolator
Quality Assurance:
Most of our products were examined strictly before shippinp and can apply for a calibration report.
Agilent安捷伦81634A 81663A激光源模块的详细信息由东莞市佳华仪器设备有限公司提供,该企业负责Agilent安捷伦81634A 81663A激光源模块的真实性、准确性和合法性。迅收网对此不承担任何保证责任。
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